Training We Offer
- Intro to Orality and Storytelling: insert info
- Progressing Together: offers discipleship and training resources for all stages of Christian maturity from initial discipleship onward. We make these courses available to young churches and followers of Christ where they live and minister.
- StoryTogether: StoryTogether project is a coordinated series of actions to develop accurate and appealing Bible stories that are crafted by mother tongue speakers and used by them and others to present the gospel, equip disciples of Jesus, and form healthy, reproducing churches. PI has teams involved in StoryTogether.
- Multiplying Hope Trauma Healing Stories: insert info
- Story Circles: insert info
Recommended Reading
- Truth That Sticks: A practical, first read into using stories to effectively communicate the Word.
- Making Disciples of Oral Learners: Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization
- Orality Journal: International Orality Network
- From Seed To Fruit: Dudley Woodberry address global trends, fruitful practices and emerging issues among Muslims, including communication principles.
- Church Planting Movements: Website by David Garrison, a comprehensive survey of 45 Muslim movements to Christ- each with more of a thousand baptized converts. (Spoiler alert: Yes, Oral methods played a key factor in fruitfulness.)
Story & Outreach Resources
- Progressing Together Orality Version: A 90-lesson in-depth discipleship program using oral teaching methods and an inductive approach to bring believers from their first steps in the faith to spiritual maturity. This discipleship program uses non-narrative passages as well as stories. Training seminars are being organized to equip discipleship group leaders to use the method effectively.
- How to Learn and Naturally Tell a Bible Story: Prepares you to share a Bible story orally for an oral audience.
- Oralizing-DBS: Adapts the DBS method to an oral audience.
- ST4T: Storying Training for Trainers. Intentional evangelism utilizing stories from God’s Word resulting in multiplying house churches. DMM / CPM application.
- Orality Strategies: provides numerous examples of storying strategies and story set resources.
- Holding Esther: a dramatized audio stories embedded with trauma healing principles to equip caregivers of vulnerable children. The characters' stories invite the listener to apply truth and validate their own experiences and discover healing found in Jesus.
- New Hope: is a 7-week study designed to help people find healing from God's word. As they find healing themselves, they are equipped and empowered to go and bring that same healing to those around them.
Audio & Film Resources
- Faith Comes By Hearing: As of July 2014 FCBH had produced dramatized audio recordings of the NT in 835 languages. The majority of these recordings are available free of charge as streaming audio, downloads, on their app for iPhone and Android mobile devices, and as podcasts. The app links printed Scriptures in 997 languages, audio recordings of the NT in hundreds of languages, and the JESUS film. FCBH has also developed Scripture engagement strategies and proprietary playback devices. FCBH has regional representatives based around the world to develop partnerships with interested entities.
- OneStory Media: The OneStory library of over 100 story sets in various languages.
- Share the Story: A twenty story visualized Bible story set from Creation to Cross including inductive questions in North African Arabic. This set is available for repurposing in other languages. Please see the blog for information.
- The JESUS Film Project has launched its “Mission 865,” which is aimed at providing a JF for every people group of at least 50,000 population. It also includes groups under 50,000 population as determined by the situation. They are about 10% complete. If you have a team that needs a JF, this is encouraging news.
- The HOPE Project is an epic 80-minute dramatic motion picture overview of the story of God's promise for all people as revealed in the Bible.” It is available in 11 major languages and its creator, Mars Hill Productions (MHP), is eager to see it translated into other languages.
- The God’s Stories series is a set of dramatized stories about some of the great men and women of the Bible, their struggles, their choices, and God’s faithfulness to Himself and to His promises. Below you will find the character dramas that we have finished so far. The series was filmed in multiple locations in Northern Africa and the Middle East. It was filmed using broadcast Arabic. On YouTube in Arabic language.