Story Notes
- These collections of Bible stories introduce people who were raised in Muslim homes to what the Bible says about God and how to have peace with God. They explain who Jesus was and is and how his followers can know for certain that they will go to heaven when they die.
- God and Woman – Stories chosen to encourage the women of South Asia that God loves them and that Jesus welcomes them as his followers
- Sharing the Message through Storying – prepared for use with Muslims who also observe practices of African Traditional Religion
- Bible Storying Handbook for Short-Term Church Mission Teams and Mission Volunteers – revised edition, provides wise, practical guidance for Christians who hope to use Bible stories cross-culturally
- The Ebenezer Stories: Discipleship Stories for Women – has 35 Bible stories to help South Asian women who have recently become Christians to mature in their discipleship. Stories and how-to.
- The Hope Stories – especially for Muslims who need encouragement following a natural disaster or other tragedy
- Suffering Servant – a reminder that Jesus cares deeply for people who have suffered and are now suffering
- Heaven is for Women – assurance that the God of the Bible loves women and has made a simple way for them to spend eternity in fellowship with Him
- Stories of Sorrow and Grief for Women: From the Bible– stories of how God helps women who have experienced heartbreaking events
- What Jesus Wants His Disciples to Know and Do– explains just that to Christians who previously followed Islam and African Traditional Religions. It follows up Sharing the Message through Storying. (Also available in French; see Discipolat.)
- God and Woman – Stories chosen to encourage women that God loves them and that Jesus welcomes them as his followers
- Annoncer la Bonne Nouvelle (Sharing the Message through Storying) – prepared for use with Muslims who also observe practices of African Traditional Religion
- Discipolat (What Jesus Wants His Disciples to Know and Do) – explains just that to Christians who previously followed Islam and African Traditional Religions.
How to Do Bible Storying/Story Set:
Bible Story Sets in English:
Bible Story Sets in French:
- These collections of Bible stories introduce people who were raised in Hindu homes to what the Bible says about God.
- God’s Gift for Women: Forgiveness and Peace – is a set of 17 biblical stories to reassure women from Hindu backgrounds that Jesus is ready to say to them, “Go in peace. . . . Your sins are forgiven.”
- Basic Bible Stories (Nepali and English)– has the printed text of 28 Bible stories. It is laid out with the Bible story in Nepali on the left page and in English on the facing page.